
Feature 1

Objective 1: To maintain the coastal grazing marsh in an optimal condition for important flora and fauna, particularly nationally important breeding and wintering bird assemblages.

Feature 2

Objective 1: To maintain lowland heath in an optimal condition principally to attract breeding nightjars, woodlarks and stone curlews and to maintain the nationally important botanical interest.

Feature 3

Objective 1:To rehabilitate the reedswamp to reach an optimal condition for the typical assemblage of reedbed birds,especially bittern,marsh harrier and bearded tit.

Objective 2 T maintain the species-rich botanical communities in an optimal condition.

Objective 3: To maintain scrub areas at the edges of reedbeds in an optimum condition for reedbed warblers.

Feature 4

Objective 1: To manage the woodland on Aldringham Walks in favourable conditions with respect to both the Nuclear Electric screening agreement and the Woodland Management Grant scheme.

Feature 5

Objective 2: To maintain the shingle beach in an optimal condition with respect to its natural and physical features.